Natural Phenomenon


Determination of the beginning of the fasting month and Eid al-Fitr is determined by the observation of Hilal, which is a moment when the Moon passes through the conjunction phase (in Arabic: Ijtimak), ie when the Sun-Earth-Moon is in a straight line.
Hilal, bulan sabit tipis.
When around the ijtima, the Moon cannot be seen from the earth, because the surface of the moon that appears from Earth does not get sunlight, so that the term New Moon is known. In the first evening after the ijtima, the moon sets shortly after the sun sets. Ijtimak is the main guideline for the initial determination of the month in the Hijri Calendar.
Hilal itself, when the moon is observed, right after ijtimak, how is the hilal determined? Hilal is determined using two methods, namely Hisab & Rukyat.

Hisab, is to determine the position based on calculations, namely from calculating the position of the Sun and the Moon against the Earth. The position of the New Moon is important because it marks the start of the calendar in the new month (1st Date of the Hijri Calendar).

Rukyat is the determination of the position of the New Moon based on observation, ie the first crescent moon appears shortly after the ijtima. Rukyat can be done by observation. Rukyat is carried out at the time of the setting of the sun, the first time just after the ijtima (at the time of the moon on the western horizon and setting shortly after the setting of the sun). If the hilal is visible, then at that time it enters the 1st date. But the ijtima can occur with the sunset setting. The sun is too short, so in theory, the illumination of moonlight illumination is not sufficiently observed, because it is still too gloomy than the surrounding light (luminescence) Sunset).


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