
Tugas Essay Charity Legion 2020

Manfaat Pelaksanaan Charity Online Hari ini saya melaksanakan kegiatan charity online bertemakan lingkungan sebagai pelengkap tugas dari kegiatan Legion 2020. kegiatan yang saya lakukan ialah kegiatan sederhana berupa pembersihan lingkungan sekitar rumah dengan membersihkan beberapa sampah yang ada di lingkungan rumah saya. Kegiatan ini saya lakukan sebagai bentuk pembiasaan diri agar lebih peduli terhadap keadaan lingkungan sekitar kita karena saat setiap orang memiliki kepedulian terhadap lingkungan maka lingkungan pun akan terjaga. Setelah melaksanakan kegiatan tadi, saya merasa memiliki rasa empati lebih untuk terus berupaya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan sekitar karena itu merupakan tanggung jawab dari masing-masing manusia. Saya juga sadar bahwa ternyata saat lingkungan di sekitar saya tidak diperhatikan maka kenyamanan lingkungan pun akan menurun. Kegiatan pembiasaan seperti ini ternyata perlu dilakukan oleh setiap insan manusia dari yang skalanya paling kecil hingga skala besar...




  FOTO TWIBBON LEGION Pengalaman Kuliah Online Kuliah online merupakan satu pengalaman baru yang saya hadapi dan muncul di saat pandemi corona hampir 1-2 tahun belakangan ini. Kuliah online lebih menuntut mahasiswa berperan aktif dalam segala kegiatan pembelajaran maupun organisasi di kampus. Kuliah online membawa dampak positif berupa lebih mandirinya mahasiswa dalam berbagai kegiatannya. Namun, memiliki dampak negatif karena berkurangnya intensitas sosialisasi mahasiswa dengan massa kampus yang lain. Kuliah online ini perlu dimaknai dengan tetap bersyukur dan kerja keras untuk meraih hasil perkuliahan yang maksimal. Harapan untuk HMTI Semoga HMTI mampu menjadi organisasi kampus yang dapat secara optimal mewadahi massa kampus dalam pengembangan dirinya dan menjadi badan eksekutif yang mengeksekusi segala program nya dengan baik. Harapan untuk Frontliner'20 Semoga mampu menjadi angkatan yang solid dan bisa memberi manfaat untuk keluarga, bangsa, dan agama setelah lulus nanti.

Tugas Pra Opening Legion

 Biodata Diri     Nama                                      : Muhammad Zidan Fadlilah Raharja Kelas                                       : TI-44-11 Tempat, Tanggal Lahir           : Bandung, 25 November 2001 Alamat Daerah Asal               : Komplek Bumi Panyileukan Blok J5 No.11, Bandung Analisis SWOT Mars HMTI Always Together To be number one.... HMTI..... Generasi penerus TI Pewaris kejayaan kita Serentak bangkitkan semangat persatuan kami semua Satukan tujuan.. Dan terus maj...

Aspiraton Day 2019

Hai Guys! Back again with me, Zidan. Now, i want to tell you about one of activities that my school have done before, it called Aspiration Day 2019. Day aspiration is an activity which is held almost every year by one of the organizations in Bandung 3 Public High School, namely PK. This activity aims to accommodate the aspirations of citizens of SMA 3 Bandung in a full activity. In 2019, this activity was carried out in the BAndung 3 Public High School BAru Hall and was attended by school officials and students of class X and XI Bandung 3 High School. This year's activity was attended by various speakers, namely from the education office and the West Java provincial government. YAng where the informants explain to students how to aspire well and where they can channel those aspirations. In addition, the activity was also complemented by the appearance of one of the indie bands called Amigdala. In the end, this activity was very useful in accommodating the aspirations of all...

Bakti Desa

Hai Guys! Back again with me, Zidan. Now, I want to tell you about one of my school activities, it called Bakdes. Bakdes or Bakti desa is an activity where students of Bandung 3 High School are sent to a village in West Java to conduct a kind of social activity there. This year, we carried out bakdes activities in the village of Cibeureum, West Java. There, we were placed in the homes of local residents with different economic backgrounds. Some work as farmers, gardeners, government employees, and so on. During the 3 days and 2 nights there, there were many activities that we did to help the villagers, such as participating in farming, conducting health counseling, and some even participated in building village mosques. This village has a natural beauty that is so charming, from the cool start of the air due to the shade of trees and green fields, near this village there is a 0 point of the citarum river. The residents here were very friendly and enthusiastic to welcome us, many of...

Tur Budaya 2019

Hello guys! Back again with me, Zidan. Now, i will tell you about one of my school activity that i've done before. It called Turbud! first of all, turbud / cultural tour is an activity carried out every year by SMA 3 Bandung, where this activity takes the form of introducing cultures in Indonesia by visiting a certain area in Indonesia. In this turbud, my school visited the island of Bali as a cultural destination. We departed on Sunday morning, at that time we left for the island of Bali by plane. The trip was divided into 3 flight groups, incidentally I got the first flight. After traveling for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, we finally arrived at Bli. Arriving there we then visited Tanah Lot as the first cultural destination. The beauty of Tanah Lot makes us never forget the power of the Almighty God. After that, we continued our trip to Jimbaran to enjoy dinner there. Unfortunately, when we got there, the weather turned rain so we had to continue our dinner on the bus. after t...